Some fundamental facts on nose reshaping (rhinoplasty)

For quite some time I have been unhappy with the shape of my nose. What is it important to know?

Perhaps you are unhappy because your nose has a conspicuous hump, or because it is too large, too small, too sharp or too long. Nowadays we have may different procedures for nose correction (rhinoplasty): straightening, enlargement, reduction, broadening, narrowing, removal of humps and a lot of other jobs that in the hands of an experienced surgeon have become routine. But when considering a rhinoplasty you should bear in mind that any modification of your nose will also change the appearance of your face. Therefore, prior to a nose correction it is very important that you have an intensive consultation with your surgeon in order to clarify your expectations, the different approaches that are available and which are most suitable for your situation. Will there be any visible scars after nose correction? Wherever possible, the incision will be made from the inside of the nose so that no visible scars will remain.