Basics for wrinkle treatment and lip augmentation

What happens to our skin as we grow older? For one thing, all three layers of our skin – epidermis, corium and subcutaneous fascia – become thinner and thus reduce the tone of our skin and lead to flabbiness and wrinkles.

Wrinkle treatment at Sophienklinik

In a proportion change in the face – due to droop of flaccid tissue – we recommend an individually tailored facelift, or a so-called Liquid facelift. If the proportion changes in the face, as decreasing cheeks, it is also possible by a sophisticated injections with hyaluronic acid you back to a better contour and a lifting effect help-without scalpel.

Secondly, it is depending on your skin type, lifestyle habits (sunbathing, smoking) and predisposition to a disturbed and altered keratinization of the skin. Different gentle methods of plastic and aesthetic surgery, it is possible to correct or improve the skin quality to give you a fresh and rested appearance.

When it comes to restoring a youthful and dynamic appearance in an ageing face, we at Sophienklinik distinguish between two basic conditions: If due to external influences or genetic disposition the skin has developed wrinkles in the course of time, we can choose from among various methods of pure wrinkle treatment. If on the other hand the sagging tissue has changed the proportions of the face, we recommend a personalised facelift.

For pure wrinkle correction we use the following materials at Sophienklinik, each of which involves an individual approach. As a matter of principle we do not use solid implants for the treatment of facial lines, as in our experience they may involve unnecessary risks and do not represent the best possible method for maximum success.

For the selection of the appropriate materials your safety is our primary concern. Therefore, we use exclusively:

Hyaluronic acid / trends in the treatment of wrinkles

The trend in cosmetic surgery is for years already one of the so-called “non surgical procedures”, so procedures without a scalpel. The treatment methods have been steadily improved, new, long-lasting materials are on the market.
Hyaluronic acid as a so-called filler substance has prevailed for more than 10 years. It is safe because of natural origin and completely solvable again. Previously, the disadvantage that the hyaluronic acids were dissolved at the latest after 1 year today we are products made available at least through greater networking 1.5 to 2 years to stop as a result.


We recommend that our patients with the first treatment as to lay a foundation stone on the way then can be set up once a year, so the costs remain manageable and you keep a natural result for a long time.