You have decided that you want an operation?

As with every surgical procedure, complications may also occur in connection with plastic, aesthetic surgery such as:

  • Bruises: they will normally disappear or can be covered up within two weeks at the latest.
  • Swelling
  • Temporarily impaired sensitivity in the treated areas
  • Impaired wound healing
  • The following complications may occur in connection with breast surgery:

Initially the sensation in the breast or in the nipple may be different but this will normalise in the course of wound healing.
If your breast was very sagging or very large, there may be post-operative loss of breast-feeding capability.
Rare complications:

  • bleeding which may require re-operation
  • infections
  • increased scarring
  • thrombosis (formation of blood clots)
  • embolism (vascular occlusion)

In an intensive personal consultation Dr. med. Annette Kotzur will inform you about your personal risk factors and the frequency of risks involved in each individual surgical procedure.